Stronger Foundations, Better Results

What Makes Syphon Fitness Unique?

Post Rehabilitation with Corrective Exercise and Yoga Therapy Fort Lauderdale

We’ve seen the rise of group fitness or even train at home programs/devices that allow for workouts at your convenience. Yoga classes are popular, many of which are in Hot rooms. These are great and affordable options for anyone looking for something movement-based.

Many of these classes don’t offer options for different bodies that perform at different levels. Let’s say you’re just starting your fitness journey.

  • You haven’t worked out before, or it’s been many years. 
  • You’ve been sedentary for quite a while. 
  • Perhaps, you’ve been dealing with a nagging injury. 
  • Maybe even a health issue that may require a bit more attention while working out. 

These are questions you should ask while looking for a fitness program. What is going to work the best for you in the long run? Let’s remember that you are making a lifestyle change. This change requires a strong foundation that you can build on. 

The New Paradigm In Fitness

Olympic athletes train for years before they compete. These athletes take their training very seriously. Yet understand that it’s a process in which there may be some setbacks. But something they have in common with anyone else is that they are human and have human bodies. Movement-based science has become very specific. The result has translated to how people train and take care of their individual bodies.

Tired Of Group Fitness?

Group fitness is making people “fit” into a style or “fad” of a workout. All of this is great if you don’t have any injuries. But we are now seeing more injuries coming from these group fitness classes or at-home programs that are recorded and don’t modify or change.

The problem with that is these programs may not meet your needs. Perhaps a percentage of the population could benefit from it, but what about ones that don’t?

If you are weary of these group settings, you may need to trust your instincts. You may save a bit of money in group settings, but are you getting what you need? Are the injuries and pain caused worth the extra savings? Do the group instructors even know about your health issues, or better yet do they know how to work with those issues? 

If these questions come up, I suggest going a different route. The reward is not worth the injury risk.

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