The Premier Medical Fitness Professional

In-Person (Fort Lauderdale) + Virtual sessions (Anywhere in the US)

Personal Training, Post Rehabilitation,
& Yoga Therapy Solutions That Work!

Individualized programs that work with Injuries, Chronic Pain & Health Issues

Mikey Syphon Fitness

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As Featured In:

featured in weston magazine
syphon fitness featured in yoga journal
syphon fitness featured in yoga therapy today
syphon fitness featured in your tango
syphon fitness featured in voyage mia
syphon fitness featured in thrive global
syphon fitness featured in business news daily
Syphon Fitness featured in south florida the cw
syphon fitness featured in business insider


Certified Yoga Therapist Fort Lauderdale FL
NASM Certified Fort Lauderdale FL
National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Florida
certified post rehabilitation specialist fort lauderdale fl
lower back pain therapy fort lauderdale fl

15 Minute Low Back Pain Sequence

Enter your email for a free video working with alleviating tension that may affect low back pain.